#13 – Purdeep Sangha – Becoming The Complete Man!
Today I have on the show Purdeep Sangha who is widely known as “The Strategist For Businessmen” and teaches men to become THE COMPLETE MAN. His mission is to help men grow their businesses massively, increase their fulfillment in life and improve their relationships with their wives and kids. He is the founder behind the movement of men becoming mindful alpha males. Or men who experience complete victory and have it all. Purdeep is an award-winning author, entrepreneur, speaker, podcaster, business coach, husband, and father. He knows how challenging balancing a successful business with a happy family can be. After studying and working with some of the most successful men around the globe, Purdeep shows men the neuroscience behind becoming limitless.
Show Notes and Highlights from the Episode are below.
Purdeep’s Mission 2:08
Why should women listen to The Complete Man also 5:00
What is the greatest fear every man has? 7:12
Having a good relationship with your partner is important to your business 10:24
You have to be willing to fix it if it is broken or you get the same results 12:49
Purdeep dislikes motivational speakers. Why? 16:25
Being too intelligent can sometimes hold you back 17:49
The one thing people get wrong about inspiration 20:41
Demanding clients? Some advise 22:25
More on Purdeeps book and other great books he recommends 30:32
“So I think for every person, every everybody’s different and everybody’s going to feel different, but feeling complete with within means that you are totally comfortable with who you are as a, I’m going to say, man, but also as a woman, regardless of what your external situation is and your circumstances are.
So let’s say you get fired tomorrow, right? You walk in, and you get fired, boss says, see you later. Can you do that and be feeling good about yourself, right? That is one of the tests because life happens. We know that we lose people in life. We lose money. We make money. All of those external circumstances are not necessarily in our control.
We can control who we are, how we react to those circumstances, and how we feel. And if we are comfortable, then our life will always be more enjoyable and more joyful than if we base our happiness, our internal state on external circumstances. And that’s ultimately the difference because many people, again, go for the material stuff. Hey, look, I got a great title.
I got a great job of making X amount of money, but when that stuff is taken from you, you really figure out what your made of. And that is the difference. So complete men, for example, And I can say this with complete honesty, and I wasn’t always there, but if I lost everything tomorrow, I would still feel good about myself.”
“We base everything that we do on three fundamental frameworks because this is what I’ve identified for men to be the three basic pillars for their lives. The first one is performance. Every guy wants to perform at their best what I call the performance framework.
They don’t want to be the last of the pack. They want to be up there at the front and being able to live to their full potential. That is another fear that a lot of guys have. Am I going to go through this life? Not living to the fullest, so that is or performing at best. So that is the first thing is how do you perform at your highest potential?
The second one is an achievement, called the achievement framework, which is really around achieving your goals, right? There’s no point in being the best performer. If you don’t win something, if you don’t achieve your goal, right? You don’t go into a basketball tournament being the best team and then not winning the tournament.
So having achievement is important, but many guys are challenged; they bounce between performance and. And they go back and forth and back and forth. And they forget about the third element, which is what you talked about, which is fulfillment.”
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