#6 – Dr. John Poothullil Pt. 1 – Type-2 Diabetes, Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Allergies, and more

John Poothullill, MD, FRCP, practiced medicine as a pediatrician and allergist for more than 30 years, with 27 of those years in Texas. He received his medical degree in India in 1968. He did two years of medical residency in Washington, DC, Phoenix, AZ, and two years of fellowship in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Ontario, Canada. He began his practice in 1974 and retired in 2008. He holds certifications from the American Board of Pediatrics, The American Board of Allergy & Immunology, and the Canadian Board of Pediatrics.
During his medical practice, Dr. John became interested in understanding the cause of obesity and Type 2 diabetes. His interest turned into a passion and a multi-decade personal research project that led him to read many medical journal articles, medical textbooks, and other scholarly works. His diagnosis of cancer also guided Dr. John to study the causes of cancer. He has subsequently published four books.
In Eat Chew Live, he explains how the body tries to regulate our nutrient intake and ways that we can prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes.
In Diabetes: The Real Cause & The Right Cure, he explains eight easy steps to reverse type 2 diabetes.
In Surviving Cancer, he explains a new perspective on why cancer happens in adults and strategies for a healthy life.
In his newest book, When Your Child Has Cancer, he provides information on why children develop cancer and what parents can do to help reduce treatment doses and potentially minimize the late effects of cancer treatments.
Dr. John and how he got his start and why he decided he wanted to go into medicine as a career 00:07
Interconnections between hunger satiation and weight gain 03:00
His investigation into the theory of insulin resistance as it relates to diabetes 04:37
Dr. John on Elliot P Joslin and his discoveries about diabetes and insulin 12:40
What are allergies and our immune system’s response to them 16:22
The effects on allergic reaction even with prior exposure 18:48
COVID-19 and body 21:47
Dr. John talks about obesity and BMI Body Mass Index and authentic weight 27:00
insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance 33:51
“So, where is the problem? And you see the same problem in all these different sites. Nobody has detected the mechanism or the defect in the mechanism. So that has not been proven. The third is the measurement. So independent scientists can compare and get the same result or do the same study.
Have you ever heard of a test to measure the degree of insulin resistance? Yeah. So whether you are newly diagnosed or have had it for 20 years and have complications. Is it because your insulin resistance is getting worse or not? There is no test. So for all the scientific reasons, the concept of insulin resistance has never been proven.”
“The body has an immune system. What is the function of the immune system? The functional immune system is to protect the body from agents or infections that can harm us. To do that, your system needs to recognize what is normal or self versus what is attacking?
What is foreign? How does the body do that? If you think about it, the immune cells are trained from the beginning of a person’s life to recognize what are they with your components in the body so that the immune system will not attack oneself.
What do I see? You allow auto-immune disease. And where does the immune system get this training? It gets the training in the gut.”
“So they came up with the body mass index to account for the height of the person. What counts constitutes body weight; the bodyweight consists of your bones, organs, muscle, water, and fat.
These are the significant components of body weight. So if any of this changes, your body weight can change. So how will that affect your health? Remember I told you my patient was diabetic, who was 300 pounds. The following week I had another patient who was also 300 pounds, but he did not have diabetes.
And his doctor told him that he should lose weight. I asked him why the doctor said that? Because my BMI was so high. Okay. I asked him, how is your blood pressure, normal? How is your blood sugar, regular? How is your blood cholesterol, normal? I said, you come from a big family. Yes. So that is what you inherited.
You inherited solid muscles and a large storage capacity. so we reach our adult bone density by age, mid 20, and he had already reached the maximum height. So whatever weight you have at that time provided, your blood chemistry, sugar, and triglycerides are normal. So that is your authentic weight.”
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Eat, Chew, Live: 4 Revolutionary Ideas to Prevent Diabetes, Lose Weight and Enjoy Food
Diabetes—The Real Cause and The Right Cure: 8 Steps to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes in 8 Weeks
Surviving Cancer: A New Perspective on Why Cancer Happens & Your Key Strategies for a Healthy Life
When Your Child Has Cancer: Insights and Information to Empower Parents
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