#14 – Jake Crossman – Everything you need to know about CBD

Jake is the managing director of USA Medical and specializes in the science of holistic health. https://www.usamedicalshop.com
Overview of CBD 0:15
Why most people take CBD 3:34
How can CBD help people? 5:48
CBD must be quality and taken properly to be effective 7:41
Is smoking CBD flower a better way to take CBD? 16:09
Current Legality of CBD in 2021 18:53
The different types of CBD 20:27
CBD Costs 23:21
Misconceptions about CBD 24:47
Meditation in holistic health 28:18
Yoga 38:04
Breathwork 39:23
“You are getting above 85%, as long as you keep it under your tongue for the recommended amount of time. So we recommend two minutes. We say one to two minutes, but we recommend two minutes under your tongue. Let that fully saturate; let it get through the membrane and get into your bloodstream.
And you’re going to see an incredibly high potency from there. When it comes to soft gels, it’s incredibly difficult to test blood CBD levels. So what we know is that when you take a soft gel, or you eat a CBD product, it is getting into your bloodstream however much later and much less potent. So people will take our soft gels, for instance, cause not everyone wants to have oil under their mouth.
I understand that oil in your mouth is not the most pleasant experience. We flavor it like orange, and it’s pleasant, and it tries to be a little sweet. So there’s not like a horrible experience, but it’s still oil in your mouth. So the soft gels people like for that reason. However, it’s just a much less potent way to do it.
So when you take 25 milligrams of CBD oil under your tongue, you’re getting very close to 25 milligrams in your bloodstream. When you take a 25-milligram soft gel, many of my customers will be like, I’m not feeling the effects like I do under my tongue. I’m not feeling it. I know. We know we’re trying our best with the emulsions and with keeping it intact, but CBD is not something that was meant to be swallowed and go through your stomach originally. We’re working on it.
We’re trying our best here, but across the board, every company will tell you oil is the potent and most effective way to get.”
“So let me clarify what I just said. A dry herb vaporizer is very different than just like a vape pen. A vape pen is like they’re taking CBD oil. They’re emulsifying and putting into this cartridge and then vaporizing it. At a much higher flash point, the same thing is happening where it’s killing some of those cannabinoids off.
And then, we don’t have research on vape pens on a 20-year horizon, right? We know that vape pen seems pretty safe right now, as far as a lot of things. People have switched to nicotine vape pens to get off of cigarettes. They switched to vape pens for cannabis
because it seems better than the tar generation, but there is that ambiguous, free, radical generation that we don’t know what that does to our lungs and bodies yet. So, I’m not gonna recommend a vape pen to anybody just because I’m not confident enough as to what that does to your body.”
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Thank you for your information about CBD. This is very important for me and I’m very interested in your information.